This Too Shall Pass

15:59 0 Comments

"This too shall pass" is one of the tools of recovery that can help you to keep matters in perspective. The vast majority of issues that plague us are temporary and do pass. It is interesting to try to think about problems that were so consuming a few weeks or months ago, that now are no longer in the forefront of your mind. A basic point of emphasis here is that whatever the current concern, picking up a drink or a drug will not only not resolve the problem, but for an alcoholic or addict will inevitably worsen the situation. Also involved in use of this tool is the fact that no matter what the situation may be that is causing you stress today, the emotional reactions you are having to it can be managed by sharing the issue with trustworthy persons or using a spiritual tool such as the Serenity Prayer.

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.