five specific behaviors

15:53 0 Comments

One problem with the term "Internet addiction" is the looseness of the term as it can be applied to any number of problematic behaviors. The researchers broke the term down into five specific behaviors:

Cybersexual addiction
Cyberrelationship addiction
Net compulsion
Information overload
Interactive gaming compulsion
Cybersexual and cyberrelationship addiction along with interactive gaming compulsion are fairly self-explanatory. Net compulsion describes a range of unhealthy online behaviors including stock trading, gambling, and shopping, while information overload covers compulsive web surfing. As one might expect, men are more prone to the cybersexual addictions as well as the net and interactive gaming compulsions. Women seem to struggle more often with the cyberrelationship addictions.

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.