World of Warcraft craze or addiction

11:42 0 Comments

My homework suffer quite a bit 'cause I play a 'lil bit too much wow. I'm not going to quit it, since i love it too much. But i have to manage my home work better >.> "I'll do it soon", i usually end up doing it in the middle of the night, which isn't such a good idea tbh. Just wanted to wright something here.

I don't think i'm addicted, not seriously addicted. I've taken a break for a month before, and i might do it again. Meeeh... that's it, i've gotta get some sleep. Farewell, everyone!
I have played wow since 2005. Off and On. I have spent so much money on it its unbelievable. Tbh ive not lost out on life, ive just got mad with the game because im not that good. and it seems liek to get good, i have to trade my life. I have quit around 5 times. The last time was 1 year. Got rid of accoutn everytime, but just got new 1. Now just got account (New) for free, so tryign it out for abit, casually whilst at uni.
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because its too addicting and you have to ge it each month i mean what the hell just make a new cd for pc or something and finish playing like its an online game not real life so dont ge too weird about so if ui los something in it who cares its a video game FOR GODS SAKE!!!!
Help me out here... Ok so I quit WoW about 3-4 months ago and I'm pretty happy without it but Im not any better =\ The only thing I did is replace my WoW habit with WC3 and CS:S and now im thinking about going back to WoW because Im wasting all this time playing games anyway... Halp someone =(
Human Warrior "Mikeyboy" Thunderhorn...still playing. Deleting my account is something that I have considered a couple of times when my RL has looked pretty bleak; and I haven't done it yet. Maybe I will, maybe I won't. May just deactivate it and try going cold turkey for a while - block my WoW friends on MSN, uninstall, stop my subscription. If that works out and I find somehing else in my life that I can cling onto or that makes me feel happy in the same way as WoW then I'll sell my account and So be it.

Feels kind of weird... like contemplating suicide when there are still things to live for in your life (better gear/weapons etc). Thats probably the best way to sum it up I think.

I should really put this in persective: Lost alot of RL friends and the best looking girlfriend I've ever had and am ever likely to have.

Yeah, seriously thinking about it now

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.