Thousands are 'at risk of alcohol death' say doctors

 Thousands are 'at risk of alcohol death' say doctors: "Poor alcohol regulation could cost up to 250,000 lives in England and Wales over the next 20 years, doctors warn.

Writing in The Lancet, leading liver disease specialists say measures including a minimum price of 50p per unit are urgently needed.

They also said the coalition government was 'too close' to the drinks industry.

But the Department of Health said it was taking 'tough action', while the drinks industry said it was 'playing its part in tackling alcohol misuse'.

The scientists predicted UK deaths from liver disease in four different scenarios.

The best case was based on the UK following the example of France, which had a deep-seated problem in the 1960s, with high liver disease deaths linked to the consumption of cheap alcohol.

Drinking levels there were reduced by imposing strict marketing restrictions."

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.