Luis Miguel Hospitalized – Cocaine Rehab?

Luis Miguel Hospitalized – Cocaine Rehab?: "Mega-popular Mexican singer, has been reported hospitalized at LA’s Cedar Sinai for several days. As you may know, this is the famous clinic where Britney was taken during her meltdown era. There have been many rumors on the Web, especially one that said he entered for cocaine rehab.
Latest reports on Spanish media about the state of Luis Miguel say that the singer has been hospitalized after problems during plastic surgery. Is he deformed now?? We don’t know his state, and well, there are still rumors of cocaine rehab on the Web.
Luis Miguel is now in a delicate state. Friends such as Sofia Vergara and Daisy Fuentes have gone to visit him, but they weren’t allowed due to the severity of his state. He can only be now visited by his rep Alejandro Asensi, his daughter Michelle Salas, and his brother Alejandro Basteri.
We hope Luis Miguel recovers quickly!"

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.