Am I addicted to pornography?

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This is a self-assessment quiz for determining whether you might be addicted to pornography.

Do you ever find yourself spending more time viewing pornography than you intended to?

Are you spending less time with family and friends than you used to because of time with pornography?

Do you usually masturbate while viewing pornography?

Has your job performance suffered as a result of porn use?

Has your use of pornography caused problems with your spouse or romantic partner?

Do you sometimes prefer masturbation with pornography over sex with your spouse or significant other?

Do you ever wake up tired because of late-night use of pornography?

Do you keep your porn use secret from others, sometimes lying to cover it up?

Do you sometimes fantasize about people you’ve seen in pornography while having real sex with a partner?

Has your pornography use caused trouble with the law?

Do you seek sexual images that are more graphic, hard-core or “forbidden” than you once did?

Have you ever promised yourself that you would stop viewing pornography, then broken that resolution?

Do you ever get upset at yourself for the time and resources you spend on pornography?

Do you keep viewing porn even when you know you should really be going home or going to bed?

Have you lost the ability to find sufficient excitement in pornography and gone beyond that to seek others for sexual chat or illicit sexual encounters?

Do you feel guilty or ashamed after viewing pornography or other sexual activity?

Do you worry that your pornography use is getting out of control?

Is it easier for you to reach climax masturbating to pornography than having sex with a partner?

Have others said that you have a problem with pornography?

Do you find yourself looking forward to porn use as a “reward” or “escape” from the stresses of everyday life?

If you answered yes to 5 or more of the above, you may have a serious problem with pornography. If you answered yes to 10 or more of the above, you are probably addicted to porn.

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.