Support pours in for Lucas in rehab journey | New York Daily News

Support pours in for Lucas in rehab journey | New York Daily News: "Former Jets quarterback Ray Lucas, who was admitted to a Florida drug rehabilitation facility last week to treat the painkiller addiction he developed during his NFL career, has been chronicling his experiences on Facebook, as the Daily News first reported. Here's Lucas' latest entry:

'Day 3 of detox was filled with a lot of anxiety. I was moved from the detox unit into the Seaside condos to start full days of various therapy sessions, group meetings & other treatment. I am nervous & feeling on edge. I met my therapist, it was a very emotional time a lot of feelings coming to the surface. I am drained. More later. Thanks everyone for the support.'

Lucas, now a broadcaster with SNY, ESPN and the Rutgers Radio Network, has received scores of supportive and heartfelt comments. Here's one:

'RAY!!! I've been through what you are going through, the first 5 days to a week are hell, but I promise each day after gets better! Before you know it you will be feeling like yourself again. The easy part is getting clean, the hard part is staying clean. Stay in therapy as long as you need and always express your thou...ghts and feelings to whoever will listen, it helps tons, believe me. Be strong!'"

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.