Drink-drive fine for Louisa Lytton

The Press Association: Drink-drive fine for Louisa Lytton: "Louisa Lytton has pledged to 'move on' with her life after she was fined for drink-driving.
Albert Square & Me: The Actors of EastEndersThe 22-year-old former EastEnders star was fined £350 at City of Westminster Magistrates' Court for driving with excess alcohol on January 30, a court official said.
She was also ordered to pay £85 costs, and disqualified for 14 months, which will be reduced by three months if she completes the Secretary of State-approved course, he added.
Her manager said later: 'She is very remorseful about this, and will move on. She will live and learn from it.
'She will take the course and just get on with it, she wasn't hiding from it.
'She had only had one drink and was just over the limit, but she knows that the law is the law, she understands the severity of it, and that you can't drink and drive.'"

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.