Mexico's drugs cartels increasingly recruiting women, study finds | World news | The Guardian

 "Veronica Treviño stares straight at the camera as she answers questions from an unseen interrogator. She speaks loudly, without hesitation, and with little expression.
Who does she work for? 'The Zetas [a drugs cartel]' What is her group doing in the north-eastern city of Tampico? 'Heating up the turf of the Gulf cartel [a rival trafficking gang].' What actions does that include? 'Killing taxi drivers, police officers, innocent people and children.'
The video of Treviño's confession, presumably under pressure from the Gulf cartel, was posted on the internet at the end of November.
It was followed a couple of days later by uploaded photographs of her severed head in an icebox.
Organised crime in Mexico has traditionally been an almost exclusively male world, but there is growing evidence of a rapid increase in the number of women involved with the cartels and the violence surrounding them."

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Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.