Story of two former Santa Cruz residents on drug addiction reality show Wednesday - San Jose Mercury News

Story of two former Santa Cruz residents on drug addiction reality show Wednesday - San Jose Mercury News: "Heroin and cocaine grabbed Annie Preece when she was 16 and waiting tables at a restaurant on Haight Street in San Francisco.
Introduced by a friend, she thought using the drugs made her look glamorous.
On top of the so-called glamour, Preece said the high from shooting cocaine and heroin into her veins — a mixture known as a 'speed ball' — was 'better than any love' she ever had.
Preece, 29, an artist who moved to Santa Cruz two years ago, essentially gave her youth to the addiction and was 'on death's doorstep' when the producers of a TLC reality television show called 'Addicted' met her in December and started filming Preece's journey from rock-bottom to recovery."

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.