In Sociolotron SM prostitution is part of the game world
, just as it is in reality. And just like in reality there are areas where prostitution is legal and those where it is illegal.First of all, why should you use the build in prostitution mechanics and not just pay and have fun? Well, as in all games there are scammers all around. Who protects you as a customer from a scammer? Who protects the prostitute from a scammer? That's where our system comes into play. By bringing up the prostitution dialog the system keeps track of the money (which is determined by the system based on the prostitution skill) and makes sure the prostitute can not simply walk away and scam the customer. In case a deal is accepted, the prostitution comes under partial AI control. The customer can, for example hold her hand (or other body parts) and lead her to a room where he wants to perform the act. The prostitute can not do certain things during the whole deal, except she is being attacked, in which case the AI control ends. Of course that can be in a lonely area where help is far, but that's part of the risk of this job.
A high prostitution skill has many advantages in the game, starting with easier seduction actions, having a bonus in certain situations, more control over your body functions and so on. In fact a prostitute can be a very powerful ally both in a raid party when it comes to monster bashing as well as in a pure role play environment when it comes to secretly gathering information.
On the other hand there must be a downside to these advantages (as most things in Sociolotron SM have a good and a bad side) and that is the fact that a prostitute at higher levels often can't withstand a deal. While a character with a low prostitution skill can decide whether she (or he we don't discriminate here) wants the prostitute dialog to be brought up, she can not prevent that on a higher level if the customer has a dominant personality. This may lead to quite unpleasant situation if this happens in public. Also she can probably not prevent a deal which would bring her under partial control of the customer which can be potentially dangerous. And of course, prostitutes are among the first targets of Inquisition Demons on the hunt for Soul Points.
A prostitute can steal from her customer during his orgasm and she can also receive information about crimes from her customer, which is considered pillow talk.
All in all this is one tough skill to master but one of the most powerful skills in game.