How Cybersex Started

14:02 0 Comments

Before it was even called the Internet, a small group of scientists were connected over a network with their computers. This network was for the exchange of highly scientific and theoretical research ideas. The scientists were mainly men because few women were educated in such scientific fields and fewer had the
funds to own a computer. However, there were a few women and one day an unknown female scientist sent a sexually explicit and provocative communication over the network to the men.
She was totally anonymous. The men were shocked by what they perceived as the misuse of their scientific research network; even so they liked it and started sending back anonymous responses to the woman. And thus, cyber sex was created, a phenomenon that was instigated by a woman,
not men.

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.