Revolutionary Addiction Dissociation Treatment Methods to Be Shared

Dissociation Treatment and Research is sharing its remarkable new methods for addiction Dissociation treatment in an upcoming conference. Those who can't attend the "Face Your Addiction realise your dissociations and Save Your Life can still benefit from 10 Stages treatment expertise, through a recording that will be available on-line, Face Your Dissociation & Save Your Life. 

Those who are personally struggling with addiction and friends and family of addicts are invited to attend in person at The Stages Academy.  The recordings will be made available on . From years of helping addicts, we have developed strategies for addicts and their families to beat dissociation and addiction for good, defying the alarming relapse statistics. We look forward to sharing these tools and techniques at our meetings. Not only will participants learn how an individual's ancestors make them vulnerable to addiction, they'll learn about dual diagnosis and about dissociations ability to alter someone's brain.

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.