Disease model of addiction, Jagrup Brar, Just Say No, courtroom cameras
Dr. Anthony Ocana’s recent letter to the editor is indicative of the liberal view of drug addiction in this city by a select list of special-interest groups that is turning us into a haven for crack addicts, heroin addicts and other socially destructive behaviours. I am tired of it. Firstly, Dr. Ocana should understand that the media is supposed to provide a balanced view of issues. I guess editorialists are now no longer allowed to express opinions in Vancouver, in particular around socially critical issues like drugs because we wouldn’t want to upset people like him. I always find the so called experts choice of the words “harm reduction” pathetic when it comes to these programs. Harm Reduction? How about some dope reduction! Secondly, I thank him for his explanation of “fundamentals of neurobiology” for those of us who “don’t understand addiction”. Sounds like all of us in this town are stupid and Dr. Ocana has all the answers. Every time someone criticizes or has an opposing view of Insite or any of the other drug/alcohol related harm-reduction programs in town we get branded as unaware, ignorant or need to be better educated on drug/alcohol addiction by people like him. Frankly, I can do without Tony’s form of education. We have ideas and solutions, but, suggesting anything that isn’t providing a place to shoot up, provide a crack pipe, free alcohol or explain how it’s better to snort heroin instead of injecting it is likely going to be viewed as a suggestion from the “uninformed.” Finally, I find his comparison of a cancer patient to a drug addict an insult. How can he conclude a child with any form of cancer is no different to some crack addict? Our city and provincial leaders need to start listening to the silent majority. I am sick of the drugs, their effects and the direction the city is taking relative to their bogus harm-reduction programs. Harm reduction is some theorist’s view of a utopian response to people who simple don’t want to be responsible for their actions.