CONTAMINATED heroin is believed to have killed two people in Notts in the past week.

My Daughter's Addiction: A Thief in the Family - Hardwired for HeroinCONTAMINATED heroin is believed to have killed two people in Notts in the past week.
Several others have been treated at hospital after taking the drug.
The batch is orange-coloured and thought to be contaminated with other substances. Police are warning drug users to be on their guard.
Investigations into whether the deaths were caused by the contaminated heroin, also known as dirty heroin, are continuing.
Peter Moyes, chief executive of the city's crime and drugs partnership, said: "The nature of the drugs market means people do not know what this heroin may be cut with, and therefore they don't know what they are putting into their bodies."
An alert has been posted online by the partnership, warning addicts to be cautious. It says: "In the last week there have been a number of reports about the presence of orange-coloured heroin in the Nottingham area.
"It is believed that this may be contaminated with other substances.
"These reports have coincided with two possible deaths and a number of non-fatal overdoses that have required urgent hospital treatment."
The alert was issued by Mark Garner, who works for the drug and alcohol section of the partnership.
He urged drug users to take sensible precautions.
He said: "If you are using heroin, be very wary if it looks different from your usual supply, as you cannot be sure when buying the drug what it contains.
"Try not to use on your own, so others can help if you become unwell.
"Try smoking a line before you inject to see if you notice any ill-effects and to check it is not unusually strong.
"Remember that you may be taking an unknown substance. If this is mixed with other drugs, alcohol or medication, this may be harmful and could lead to an overdose.
"If you have not used for some time, your tolerance will be low, putting you at greater risk of over dose.
"And finally, if you feel unwell after using, please seek medical advice immediately."
A Notts Police spokesman said: "As far as I am aware, the two deaths Mr Garner referred to in the alert were in Notts.
"These will need to be investigated further to ascertain whether the heroin referred to was responsible or whether there was another cause."DISCLAIMER:Text may be subject to copyright.This blog does not claim copyright to any such text. Copyright remains with the original copyright holder.

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.