Charlie Sheen, the 'unemployed winner,' takes his fight to Twitter | Technology | Los Angeles Times
Sheen created the @charliesheen account on Tuesday, and for most of the day, he hadn't tweeted a thing yet had gained more than 100,000 followers.
Despite the lack of messages, Twitter confirmed the account's authenticity.
And then, at about 5 p.m. Sheen sent out his first tweet, which said:
Winning..! Choose your Vice... #winning #chooseyourvice
The message linked to a photo of Sheen, holding a bottle of chocolate milk and porn star Bree Olson, one of his two girlfriends, holding a Naked fruit smoothie.
Among the first few people Sheen has followed so far on Twitter is Chris Ovitz, the director of business development at -- a Beverly Hills firm that writes tweets or Facebook status updates for celebrities who are, for a fee, endorsing different products or brands."