Pill-free pain relief treatments gain ground among recovering addicts » Knoxville News Sentinel

Pill-free pain relief treatments gain ground among recovering addicts » Knoxville News Sentinel: "When Eric Amburgey started experiencing daily back pain last year, he could have gone to a pain clinic and gotten a narcotics prescription.

But as a recovering addict with years of hard-won sobriety under his belt, Amburgey knew all too well that could lead him down a slippery slope.

Still, he waited until his back locked up and he was begging for relief before trying 'something I really didn't believe in' — acupuncture.

After 12 treatments over six months, Amburgey is pain-free — and has been for nine months.

'I don't understand how you can stick needles here and there … and get rid of the pain,' Amburgey said, laughing. 'I just know that it works.'"

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Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.