Alarming Statistics on Cocaine Use | Vistabay

Alarming Statistics on Cocaine Use | Vistabay: "following statistics on Cocaine show just how dangerous and prevalent the drug is in our society.
1 of 4 surveyed Americans of the age range 26-34 has already taken drugs.
Minnesota Institute for Public Health and drug prevention resource center informs that 5,000 grown-ups in America take cocaine for the first time daily. (1985)
The statistics shows that 22-25 million people have already taken cocaine at least one time. Different interrogation data tell that there are more than two million cocaine-takers in America nowadays.
Cocaine is the reason of over the half of visits for emergency rooms where drug taking is concerned.
Every year the number of cocaine addicts has been gradually growing for the recent time. For 1975 this number was 30,000. In 1986 it has grown to 300,000 and to 361,000 in 2000.
The per cent of drug-users among the students over the recent 5 years has increased from 2% in 1994 to 4,8% in 2000.
8,2% of high school pupils surveyed in 2001 told they have already taken cocaine.
In the period between 1997 to 2000 the deals relating with cocaine were the most popular in emergency rooms.
Men take cocaine twice as much as women take it. Special informal agencies for the office of National Drug Control Policy tell that the amount of constant cocaine addicts is over 3,6 million people.
Juveniles from 18 to 25 is the group with which the using of cocaine is the most popular.
The amount of people, who have taken marijuana before using cocaine is 90%.
About 300,000 babies were born in 1988 spoiled with cocaine."

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.