Bali Nine member's final appeal today | Herald Sun

Bali Nine member's final appeal today | Herald Sun: "BALI Nine drug mule Martin Stephens' final appeal against his life sentence will go before an Indonesian court today. Stephens was arrested at Bali airport on April 17, 2005 with 2.9kg of heroin strapped to his legs and stomach.
He was sentenced to life in prison in 2006, a sentence later upheld by a higher court and Indonesia's Supreme Court.
But lawyers for the 33-year-old Wollongong man last month lodged a request for a final appeal - known as a judicial review - which will be heard by the Denpasar District Court this morning.
The appeal cites new evidence in the form of a letter from former Australian Federal Police (AFP) commissioner Mick Keelty.
In the letter, dated April 2009 and addressed to defence lawyer Wirawan Adnan, Mr Keelty describes Stephens' role in the failed heroin smuggling plot as 'minor'.
Start of sidebar. Skip to end of sidebar.End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar.'There is no indication that Martin was an organiser or aware of the details relating to the suspected importation,' the letter reads."