Anthrax warning repeated for heroin users | Scotland | STV News

| Scotland | STV News: "42 confirmed cases of anthrax in heroin users in the UK since the first case was reported in Glasgow in December 2009,
The contaminated drugs have been blamed for a total of 14 deaths. Twelve of these have been in Scotland, across eight NHS board areas, and there have been two deaths in England. No cases have yet been reported from Wales or Northern Ireland.
An HPS spokesman said: 'Cases continue to be diagnosed in Scotland, suggesting that contaminated heroin is still in circulation.
'Clinicians and microbiologists are encouraged to remain alert to the possibility of anthrax in heroin users with appropriate signs and symptoms.'"

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.