Ian Bullen and Andrew Parker were back at the higher echelons of drug trading within a year of release from long prison sentences for dealing.

Parker, 36, was jailed for 10 years as the principal player in the "sophisticated" drugs conspiracy. Bullen, 45, was jailed for eight years at Teesside Crown Court yesterday. They used the home of alcoholic Keith Coxford to store more than half a kilo Thousand (10 to the 3rd power). Abbreviated "K." For technical specifications, it refers to the precise value 1,024 since computer specifications are based on binary numbers. For example, 64K means 65,536 bytes when referring to memory or storage (64x1024), but a 64K salary means $64,000. of heroin worth about pounds 50,000.

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.