CHARLIE Sheen is in rehab over his alleged problems with cocaine and alcohol.

The Two and a Half Men actor - who entered an undisclosed treatment centre yesterday - was reportedly admitted for professional help after his drink and Class A drug use escalated.Gossip website Radar Online reported: “Charlie has relapsed into using both booze and cocaine and simply couldn’t put off entering rehab any longer.”The 44-year-old actor - who is currently facing charges following allegations he attacked his spouse Brooke Mueller on Christmas Day - was urged to make the move by friends and family for the sake of their 11-month-old twin sons Bob and Max.
A source told the website: “He loves his children and ultimately that’s what convinced him to get help.”Real estate investor Mueller is also in a rehabilitation centre over substance abuse problems.It has been claimed the couple have had marital problems for months, but remained together because of their mutual love of partying.
A source added: “The one thing they share is that they both love to party.”
When Sheen was first admitted to rehab, it was claimed his stay was purely a “preventative measure”.His spokesperson said: “As a preventative measure, Charlie Sheen has entered a rehabilitation facility.“He will take some time off his series Two and a Half Men. He has asked that his privacy be honoured. No further statements are planned.”
Filming of his show Two and a Half Men will be “temporarily suspended” and CBS - the network who produce the comedy - wish Sheen “nothing but the best as he deals with this personal matter”.This news comes days after it was revealed Sheen had been visited by child protection services last week.The Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) dropped by the family home he shares with Mueller to check up on the twins following his December arrest.The actor was arrested over domestic violence allegations, and was charged with a felony and two misdemeanours. He is expected to plead not guilty when he returns to a Colorado court next month.

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.