Drug overdose deaths on Teesside are caused by "lethal cocktails", an investigation has found.

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Drug overdose deaths on Teesside are caused by "lethal cocktails", an investigation has found. In 2007, 18 people died from drug abuse - many of whom were in treatment programmes - and Cleveland Police ordered an investigation. It found that Teesside did not have a worse problem than other areas but more needed to be done to help victims. Experts recommended better education on the dangers of taking mixtures of drugs or "cocktails", even small quantities. They also recommended addicts who dropped out of treatment be more rigorously followed up. The report found that those most at risk of becoming drug addicts were white, single, jobless men aged between 30 and 40, and living alone. The inquiry was carried out by police and health professionals. Professor Peter Kelly, executive director for public health on Teesside, said: "Every drug-related death is a tragedy for all involved. "This work highlights the risks associated with substance abuse and makes recommendations to improve the already very good local services further."

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.