high doses, get you into trouble. It could be lethal to your heart or brain

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Popping pills to lose weight is not a new practice. But the newest pill of choice, Adderall, is a prescription drug, that when abused, has effects similar to cocaine.
Adderall speeds up the metabolism and releases more dopamine to the brain, creating a sense of euphoria and decreasing appetite. Doctors use Adderall to treat hyperactivity and narcolepsy. While it is a stimulant, it has a calming affect on patients. But. if abused, it can raise blood pressure and heart rate-which can be fatal.Dr. Mary Tantillo, director of the Eating Disorder Center at the University of Rochester, said, "You get really speeded up; it's dangerous. If you take it in high doses, get you into trouble. It could be lethal to your heart or brain."As Tantillo treats patients with eating disorders, she has seen abuse of this drug in people of all ages. She said some women are risking their lives to meet a standard of thinness that isn't real.She said the abuse of the drug is worse on college campuses.
"People have had medication stolen, or shared it, which is a crime; this is a controlled substance," she said.Doctors are careful not to prescribe this drug to people with eating disorders, Tantillo said. And when given in the proper dosage, side effects are limited.

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.