Punters in Doncaster are paying just £1 for ecstasy

09:39 0 Comments

In the United Kingdom its now cheaper to buy a deal of ecstasy than it is to buy a bottle of mineral water, a pint of beer, or a single litre of petrol.What the hell do the government expect to do about reducing drug user numbers apart from threatening to lock more offenders up and stop social security payments?Thats right. Nothing! Punters in Doncaster are paying just £1 for ecstasy - making the drugs cheaper than a bottle of coke.The Free Press today reveals shock figures which show how substances, including hard drugs such as heroin, can be snapped up for only a few pounds. Health bosses have said the prices of drugs in Doncaster are among the cheapest in the country.Fill your boots because drugs have never been cheaper or more readily available.

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.