lithium carbonate may help long-term cannabis users

09:02 1 Comments

A new study has found that lithium carbonate may help long-term cannabis users quit the drug.The preliminary study showed short-term use of lithium significantly reduced depression, anxiety and other cannabis withdrawal symptoms.
Chief investigator Dr Adam Winstock says while a larger trial will be needed to confirm the findings, the early results are promising.
"There are a significant proportion of heavy cannabis users who do experience withdrawal," he said."At least in the very small, uncontrolled trial, lithium may have the potential to alleviate the discomfort associated with that withdrawal and that's important because it actually might help people quit."
Lithium carbonate has been previously been shown to be help in the treatment of symptoms from cannabis withdrawal.Dr Winstock says if a follow-up trial confirms the results, it will be one of the first studies to show medication can be used to help treat the symptoms of cannabis withdrawal."We hope this preliminary work will lead to a larger scale, multi-site, placebo-controlled study next year," he said."Given that cannabis is the most widely-used illicit drug in the world - and about one in 10 users become dependent on it - the possibility of finding an effective treatment to manage withdrawal is exciting."Twenty regular cannabis users took part in the seven-day program, which involved taking a dose of lithium carbonate daily.Of those participants, 29 per cent did not use marijuana at all in that time.

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

1 comment:

  1. why after 40 years would I want to give up the pleasure of weed for some lithium drug? addiction? Bruhahahaha ... what morons.
