Drugs and alcohol remain key drivers of crime and are of significant public concern.

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Binge-drinking and alcohol-related violence will affect Britain's streets for years to come, an internal Government review warns.The Cabinet Office strategy document paints a depressing picture of a nation which will face "persisting" problems with yob crime - as well as huge pressures caused by immigration.It will be seized on by critics as proof that, despite ten years of initiatives, the Government has failed to get a grip on anti-social behaviour or migration.The 180-page study - entitled Realising Britain's Potential: Future Strategic Challenges for Britain - says: "Drugs and alcohol remain key drivers of crime and are of significant public concern."Social trends mean the challenges of drugs and alcohol are likely to remain, with the consumption of Class A drugs and binge-drinking persisting.""Particular future challenges surround high-visibility offending (such as underage binge-drinking in public and anti-social behaviour) and high harm/profile offending (such as gang-related violence)."The review, slipped out on Friday after MPs left for the half-term recess, also warns that gun crime has yet to be brought under control.The strategy document - which has a foreword by Gordon Brown - says: "Particular attention needs to be paid to certain offences such as some forms of violent crime (e.g. gun and knife crime) that have remained persistent. There are particular challenges in relation to gun crime."It also warns that only one in five people believe Government claims that crime is falling. Fewer than half - 43 per cent - believe police numbers have been increased.Confidence in the criminal justice system is also falling, the document says, as well as faith in the prison service and the police.Cabinet Office officials, who have prepared the strategy for use across Whitehall, concede the huge influx of migrants to Britain will continue.It follows predictions by the Office of National Statistics that migration will increase the population by up to 190,000 a year.The paper says: "Net migration to the UK is projected to continue. High levels of immigration may increase demand on some public services."For example, in some areas migration has added to school rolls and required schools to make extra provision for English as a second language."It warns of migrants settling in "clusters", which could lead to a negative reaction from locals.The quiet release of the document was spotted by Tory Shadow Home Secretary David Davis, who published his own alarming study on Britain's teenage binge- drinking culture.Last week, Home Secretary Jacqui Smith threatened once again to come down hard on under-18s caught drinking alcohol.But the Tories said that, based on past enforcement action, youngsters had less than a one in 250,000 chance of being punished.According to a survey conducted by members of the British Beer and Pub Association, more than a million people a month are being turned away from pubs for being under-age or not having the right proof of age.The figures for shops and supermarkets, based on returns from one national offlicence chain, suggest a further million attempts a month to buy alcohol, the Tories say.But in 2006 only ten people between ten and 17 were taken to magistrates' courts for buying alcohol illegally.A further 13 were cautioned, and 62 received on-the-spot fines. The Tories said this means the chance of receiving any form of sanction for trying to buy alcohol under-age is just one in 282,000.Mr Davis said: "Under-age drinking damages young people and fuels youth crime. Ministers talk endlessly about cracking down on alcohol-related violence, but these figures show the Government's staggering complacency when it comes to taking the action required.
"The Government's basic failure to enforce the law sends totally the wrong message about under-age drinking and puts the public at risk from the spiralling violence it generates."
A police chief is urging the Government to ban cheap alcohol to help curb binge-drinking.Northumbria Chief Constable Mike Craik wants to see an end to special promotions by pubs, such as two or three shots of spirits for the price of one.Mr Craik also called for alcopops to be taken off the shelves and tougher controls imposed on alcohol advertising.He says legislation is needed - "the Government should take the bull by the horns on this issue".

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.