Strawberry Quick is popular among new users who snort it because the flavoring can cut down on the taste

17:24 0 Comments

To combat the bitter taste of methamphetamines, police say some cooks are adding flavoring that gives the drug a strawberry flavor and turns its trademark crystals bright pink.

"To entice children around Valentine’s Day, manufacturers and dealers compressed the flavored form of the drug into heart shapes, colored it bright pink and wrapped it in shiny paper," the Idaho Press-Tribune reported earlier this month. "Just like regular meth, the 'quick' versions can be broken up into a powder and snorted with a drinking straw, can be smoked or can be reliquified and injected intravenously."

Here's what a recent law-enforcement bulletin said: "Strawberry Quick is popular among new users who snort it because the flavoring can cut down on the taste. Teenagers who have been taught meth is bad may see this flavored version as less harmful. 'Strawberry Quick' is designed for the younger crowd."

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.