Strawberry meth has been reported in several states including Missouri, Washington State, Wisconsin, and Texas, Nevada, and California.

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An Associated Press story published in newspapers across the U.S. on May 1, 2007 focused on discoveries of what appeared to be a strawberry-flavored children's drink at the scene of an illegal meth lab. It has come to be known as "Strawberry Quick." It has no connection with the popular Nestle QUIK flavored milk products now renamed Nestle Nesquik. Chris Harrison, a chemist at the Arkansas State Crime Laboratory, says that meth is bitter to the makers try to take that edge off any way they can and have used lollipops, sodas, candy, and anything else they can to make it easier for first-time users. The article said that the "Strawberry Quick" angle came to light in January when the Nevada Department of Public Safety issued a warning about it.

The Strawberry meth has been reported in several states including Missouri, Washington State, Wisconsin, and Texas, Nevada, and California.

Because of the sweet taste and candy-like appearance there is concern about children coming into contact with it but experts say its not been made that way just for the purpose of introducing it to children. Giving it a sweet taste and a harmless-sounding name is a marketing technique to ease it into the hands of any potential victim.

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.