five specific behaviors
Internet Addiction
One problem with the term "Internet addiction" is the looseness of the term as it can be applied to any number of problematic behaviors. The researchers broke the term down into five specific behaviors:15:53 Internet Addiction 0 Comments
Cybersexual addiction
Cyberrelationship addiction
Net compulsion
Information overload
Interactive gaming compulsion
Cybersexual and cyberrelationship addiction along with interactive gaming compulsion are fairly self-explanatory. Net compulsion describes a range of unhealthy online behaviors including stock trading, gambling, and shopping, while information overload covers compulsive web surfing. As one might expect, men are more prone to the cybersexual addictions as well as the net and interactive gaming compulsions. Women seem to struggle more often with the cyberrelationship addictions.
By adapting and applying mindfulness-based stress reduction or MBSR in alcoholism treatment, we hope to develop an increased ability to cope with stre
A researcher at the University at Buffalo's Research Institute on Addictions (RIA) is initiating a study of 'mindfulness-based stress reduction,' a technique often used in behavioral medicine for stress reduction but not before as an adjunct in the treatment of alcohol use disorders. 11:49 Treatment 0 Comments
"By adapting and applying mindfulness-based stress reduction or MBSR in alcoholism treatment, we hope to develop an increased ability to cope with stress and enhanced psychological well-being among alcohol-dependent individuals," said Gerard J. Connors, Ph.D . "For people who often deal with stress in their lives by turning to alcohol, this could be a very positive alternative."
Connors is a clinical psychologist and principal investigator on the study as well as the director of RIA. He also is a professor of psychology in the Department of Psychology in the UB College of Arts and Sciences and research professor in the Department of Psychiatry in the UB School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.
The four-year investigation on MBSR will be conducted with support from a $1.9 million grant from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.
The MBSR intervention provides intensive training in mindfulness practices and their applications for daily living and coping with stress. MBSR emphasizes self-observation and self-responsibility, which is expected to facilitate the alcohol-dependent individual's management of the stressors that place the person at increased risk for drinking.
recovery is "a voluntarily maintained lifestyle characterized by sobriety, personal health, and citizenship."
Abstinence from alcohol and drugs is just the starting point in defining "recovery" for people with substance abuse disorders, according to a paper in the October issue of the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment (JSAT). 11:44 0 Comments
According to an initial definition developed by a panel of experts from the Betty Ford Institute, recovery is "a voluntarily maintained lifestyle characterized by sobriety, personal health, and citizenship." The panel's report appears as part of a special section of JSAT devoted to Defining and Measuring Recovery.
Although "recovery" is widely recognized as the goal of treatment for substance abuse disorders, there has been no widely accepted definition of what the term actually means. "Recovery may be the best word to summarize all the positive benefits to physical, mental, and social health that can happen when alcohol- and other drug-dependent individuals get the help they need," the expert panel writes.
The panel's report outlines some of the thinking behind key components of the definition. Sobriety -- meaning complete abstinence from alcohol and all other nonprescribed drugs -- is regarded as necessary, but not in itself sufficient for recovery. The panel suggests a classification to define the duration of sobriety: "early" sobriety between one month and one year; "sustained" sobriety, between one and five years; and "stable" sobriety, five years or longer. People in "stable" recovery are thought to be at lower risk of relapse.
students who consumed alcohol mixed with energy drinks
College students who drink alcohol mixed with so-called "energy" drinks are at dramatically higher risk for injury and other alcohol-related consequences, compared to students who drink alcohol without energy drinks, according to new research from Wake Forest University School of Medicine. The findings were reported at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association in Washington, D.C. 11:42 0 Comments
The researchers found that students who consumed alcohol mixed with energy drinks were twice as likely to be hurt or injured, twice as likely to require medical attention, and twice as likely to ride with an intoxicated driver, as were students who did not consume alcohol mixed with energy drinks. Students who drank alcohol mixed with energy drinks were more than twice as likely to take advantage of someone else sexually, and almost twice as likely to be taken advantage of sexually.
Rap music led the way with 77 percent of songs referring to substance use
Know what your kids are listening to when they're blocking you out with their iPod earbuds firmly in place? If they are listening to popular music, chances are high that they are hearing references to substance use. 11:40 0 Comments
According to new research presented at the American Public Health Association's Annual Meeting & Exposition in Washington, D.C., 33 percent of the most popular songs of 2005 portrayed substance use. The study, in which researchers analyzed 279 of the year's most popular songs according to Billboard magazine, also found that allusions to substance use varied widely by genre.
Rap music led the way with 77 percent of songs referring to substance use, followed by country at 37 percent and R&B/hip-hop at 20 percent. Rock and pop were on the lower end of the spectrum at 14 percent and 9 percent, respectively. Alcohol and marijuana were the substances most frequently portrayed. Substance use was commonly associated with partying, sex, violence and/or humor, and was most often motivated by peer/social pressure, sex, and/or money (for instance, through trafficking). The majority of songs with substance use portrayed more positive than negative consequences of use.
"Previous research has shown that exposure to substance use messages in media is linked to actual substance use in adolescents," said Brian A. Primack, MD, EdM, lead researcher on the study. "That is why we need to be aware of exposures such as these, especially when they are associated with highly positive consequences and associations."
drug treatment programs in the UK have had disappointing success in drug rehabilitation
According to official figures, drug treatment programs in the UK have had disappointing success in drug rehabilitation. Several health care professionals have called for the decriminalization of illegal drugs11:37 0 Comments
semi-compulsive cyberporn user
As a semi-compulsive cyberporn user myself, I know that the real story here is about neither thrills nor chills — it's about the endless scratching of an itch. Take my word for it, once it gets you by the gonads, the hunger for high-rez images can quickly become as dullingly obsessive as searching for ceramic teapots on eBay. 10:32 0 Comments
This is also why I don't think there's really much distance at all between the Net of cyberporn and sex chat and the Net of ecommerce and IPOs. At this stage of my online life, I find it hard to distinguish between the compulsion that drives me to collect and consume Internet porn and the one that keeps me coming back to Yahoo!'s mind-numbingly addictive stock quotes and news feeds. Both are essentially servants of my overpowering drive to procrastinate. Both are plainly symptoms of the hollowness of my consumerist soul. One has slightly messier effects on my metabolism. And that's about the only difference I can make out at this point.
Do you answer YES to any of these
Do you spend increasing amounts of online time focused on sexual or romantic intrigue or involvement?10:30 0 Comments
Are you involved in multiple romantic or sexual affairs in chat rooms, Internet or BBS?
Do you not consider online sexual or romantic "affairs" to be a possible violation of spousal/partnership commitments?
Have you failed in attempts to cut back on frequency of online or Internet sexual and romantic involvement or interaction?
Does online use interfere with work (tired or late due to previous night's use, online while at work etc.)?
Does online use interfere with primary relationships (e.g. minimizing or lying to partners about online activities, spending less time with family or partners)?
Are you intensely engaged in collecting Internet pornography?
Do you engage in fantasy online acts or experiences which would be illegal if carried out (e.g. rape, child molestation)?
Has your social or family interactive time decreased due to online fantasy involvement?
Are you secretive, or do you lie about the amount of time spent online or type of sexual/romantic fantasy activities carried out online?
Do you engage with sexual or romantic partners met online, while being involved in marital or other primary relationship?
Are there increasing numbers of complaints or concerns from family or friends about the amount of time spent online?
Do you frequently become angry or extremely irritable when asked to give up online involvement to engage with partners, family or friends?
Has the primary focus of sexual or romantic life becomes increasingly related to computer activity (including pornographic CD ROM use)?
Increasing complaints and concern from family or friends about the amount of time spent online
1. Spending increasing amounts of online time focused on sexual or romantic intrigue or involvement. 10:20 0 Comments
2. Involvement in multiple romantic or sexual affairs in chat rooms, Internet or BBS.
3. Not considering online sexual or romantic "affairs" to be a possible violation of spousal/partnership commitments.
4. Failed attempts to cut back on frequency of online or Internet sexual and romantic involvement or interaction.
5. Online use interferes with work (tired or late due to previous night's use, online while at work, etc.).
6. Online use interferes with primary relationships (e.g., minimizing or lying to partners about online activities, spending less time with family or partners).
7. Intense engagement in collecting Internet pornography.
8. Engaging in fantasy online acts or experiences which would be illegal if carried out (e.g., rape, child molestation).
9. Decreased social or family interactive time due to online fantasy involvements.
10. Being secretive or lying about amount of time spent online or type of sexual/romantic fantasy activities carried out online.
11. Engaging with sexual or romantic partners met online, while also involved in marital or other primary relationship.
12. Increasing complaints and concern from family or friends about the amount of time spent online.
13. Frequently becoming angry or extremely irritable when asked to give up online involvement to engage with partners, family or friends.
14. Primary focus of sexual or romantic life becomes increasingly related to computer activity (including pornographic CD-ROM use).
Latest gaming experience stimulation can trigger an orgasm
This is one of the most challenging aspects of the Sociolotron. In short, we set out to simulate a complete body with all activities that could influence the sexual stimulation, including a simulation of certain brain functions which react to stimulation and would in turn influence the body. This way we have a real working system that transmits stimulation from the body parts (mainly genitals) to the brain where the stimulation is combined with various settings of the brain and send out again as bodily reactions. For example the stimulation of a penis can raise the arousal level in the brain so much that the penis would eventually become erect and is ready for a penetration action. Further stimulation can trigger an orgasm, depending on the character's ability to hold back an orgasm (which can be changed) which in turns starts a sperm ejaculation which then could impregnate the partner. You get the idea.14:40 0 Comments
The whole system is very sophisticated and contains much more than outlined here and is very important to you during the game. There are also various postures your character can obtain and various forms of penetrations. We can not go into greater detail here, but the online help function in the game explains in detail what you can do and how to use the features.
Utah is becoming known as a place for child sexual predators to hide
8,000 sexual offenders in Utah. More and more, Utah is becoming known as a place for child sexual predators to hide. But the Department of Corrections is starting to play hardball against them, and Davis County has been leading the way. 14:37 0 Comments
Every day Adult Probation and Parole in Davis County tracks sexual offenders. Something they're finding out is that there is one thing these predators have in common, and it's something that's probably in your home, used by your children. It's the most used invention of the past ten years.
The internet sure has changed how we do things, from buying stuffed animals on the other side of the planet, to finding out how many times the New York Yankees shortstop made an error in 1920. It's all there. But for all the good that comes with the internet, there is also plenty bad.
Troy Rawlings, Davis Co. Deputy Attorney: “It helps them facilitate their devious objectives to a great degree.”
Troy Rawlings knows probably better than most.
Troy Rawlings: “You’re not human if it doesn’t get to you what these kids are going through.”
As a deputy attorney for Davis County, it's his job to prosecute those who sexually abuse children, and often the internet is involved.
In Sociolotron SM prostitution is part of the game world
, just as it is in reality. And just like in reality there are areas where prostitution is legal and those where it is illegal.14:23 0 Comments
First of all, why should you use the build in prostitution mechanics and not just pay and have fun? Well, as in all games there are scammers all around. Who protects you as a customer from a scammer? Who protects the prostitute from a scammer? That's where our system comes into play. By bringing up the prostitution dialog the system keeps track of the money (which is determined by the system based on the prostitution skill) and makes sure the prostitute can not simply walk away and scam the customer. In case a deal is accepted, the prostitution comes under partial AI control. The customer can, for example hold her hand (or other body parts) and lead her to a room where he wants to perform the act. The prostitute can not do certain things during the whole deal, except she is being attacked, in which case the AI control ends. Of course that can be in a lonely area where help is far, but that's part of the risk of this job.
A high prostitution skill has many advantages in the game, starting with easier seduction actions, having a bonus in certain situations, more control over your body functions and so on. In fact a prostitute can be a very powerful ally both in a raid party when it comes to monster bashing as well as in a pure role play environment when it comes to secretly gathering information.
On the other hand there must be a downside to these advantages (as most things in Sociolotron SM have a good and a bad side) and that is the fact that a prostitute at higher levels often can't withstand a deal. While a character with a low prostitution skill can decide whether she (or he we don't discriminate here) wants the prostitute dialog to be brought up, she can not prevent that on a higher level if the customer has a dominant personality. This may lead to quite unpleasant situation if this happens in public. Also she can probably not prevent a deal which would bring her under partial control of the customer which can be potentially dangerous. And of course, prostitutes are among the first targets of Inquisition Demons on the hunt for Soul Points.
A prostitute can steal from her customer during his orgasm and she can also receive information about crimes from her customer, which is considered pillow talk.
All in all this is one tough skill to master but one of the most powerful skills in game.
New Features for the latest gaming experience
Focus on role play. Our staff of volunteers encourages RP and resolves disputes between players by judging their role play among other things 14:19 0 Comments
Realistic map of London and the Underground System
PK system that allows a character to be eliminated from the world
Graveyards to memorialize the dead
Three stage character hierarchy system that allows players to decide whether they want to play a protected character or take the full risk of PK
Character Skill development based on Experience Points earned from various professions
Economy system that allows characters to harvest raw materials, produce goods and distribute them.
Player owned houses from single room apartments to big mansions
Player run bars where player can employ other player characters to work as bartender, stripper, life show performer or show fighter
Contagious diseases, illnesses and a health system with drug creation, doctors and the risk of mistreatment
Social ranking system that allows characters to climb on the social ladder or become an underground celebrity
Player run government in each of the 20 districts of London, support for public elections
Justice system where characters can be brought to court for crimes and judged by elected judges and jurors
Investigation system that allows players to to investigate crimes to bring the criminals to justice
Players can run their own newspapers and blackmail government officials or other society members based on rumors about them
Complete cult system that allows players to master one of two different cults and cast magic spells
Cults are based on blood magic or sexual practices
Complete underworld. Eliminated characters can become demons and go to hell after their elimination
Demons can be summoned to London to serve their summoner. They can break free and roam London in disguise as Vampires or Succubae
Players can form sects and worship demons in exchange for favors
Characters can have heirs who take over the character's good in London when the character is eliminated
Complete Sex system that allows players to have Cyber Sex with various postures
Sexual urges that develop according to a characters sexual preferences and influence his behavior later on
Support for bondage, chains and more
A multi level BDSM system that allows for complete role play of dominant or submissive characters, ownership and sexual slavery
Plastic surgery system that allows the description of a character to be altered over time to correct natural alteration from giving birth, lactation or sexual torture
SMS message can be sent to your cellphone or text pager for certain game events when you are offline
Sociolotron SM has proven to be a fascinating experiment
This game contains sex, politically incorrect behavior, blasphemy, and lots of other things which are not acceptable to many people. This game allows you to bring out your darker side, but it also allows the same for other players! So don't play if you are offended by any of these issues, don't play if you can't swallow what you dish out yourself, don't play if you are one of the people who yell "grief" and "banning" every time someone steals your belongings after a KO. 14:16 0 Comments
It's a fascinating Social Experience
All the dark things aside, about human behavior patterns in a world with different values and rules. The self organizing societies that players can form and the self set and enforced rules make Sociolotron SM an interesting insight into human behavior in general and your own psyche. We don't go so far as to claim that Sociolotron SM is a scientific experiment, but perhaps you'll discover a side of yourself you didn't know about before
interactive multiplayer online RPG game for adults only
Sociolotron SM is an interactive multiplayer online RPG game for adults only. Furthermore, we take pride in being a highly politically incorrect game. Although you will not find any material on this website that is truly adult oriented, in the advertised game Sociolotron SM , you will. Therefore we require that you read and agree to the following disclaimer before you enter our site. Please be advised that, in order to play Sociolotron SM , you will have to provide us with a proof of age.14:10 0 Comments
The Internet is a masquerade ball in cyberspace
Everyone was protected by a mask of anonymity that hid their true identity. Was that a gorgeous blond women you just had cyber sex with or was it really a man? You had no way of knowing. Someone even developed a game on the Internet of trying to "unmask" the other person in order to find out what was real and what was fantasy. Let's continue in this mind set: If the person you met in a chat room sent you a picture, was the picture real or fake? There was no way of knowing what was real and what was 14:06 0 Comments
fantasy without actually meeting face to face. So people started asking to meet. Often this was done over the phone in order to learn something about the other person. Actual meetings were usually in public places. Sometimes one person would show up and hide just to see the other person. "Can we meet at the mall and look at each other across the atrium" might be a typical request for this kind of encounter.
How Cybersex Started
Before it was even called the Internet, a small group of scientists were connected over a network with their computers. This network was for the exchange of highly scientific and theoretical research ideas. The scientists were mainly men because few women were educated in such scientific fields and fewer had the 14:02 0 Comments
funds to own a computer. However, there were a few women and one day an unknown female scientist sent a sexually explicit and provocative communication over the network to the men.
She was totally anonymous. The men were shocked by what they perceived as the misuse of their scientific research network; even so they liked it and started sending back anonymous responses to the woman. And thus, cyber sex was created, a phenomenon that was instigated by a woman,
not men.
the child especially fits the needs for compliance in regard to otherwise boring or distressing schoolwork
The medicating of the child then becomes a coercive response to conflict in which the weakest member of the conflict, the child, is drugged into a more compliant or submissive state. The production of drug-induced obsessive-compulsive disorder in the child especially fits the needs for compliance in regard to otherwise boring or distressing schoolwork.13:39 0 Comments
By diagnosing and drugging our children, we shift blame for the problem from our social institutions and ourselves as adults to the relatively powerl
Many observers have concluded that our schools and our families are failing to meet the needs of our children in a variety of ways. Focusing on schools, many teachers feel stressed by classroom conditions and ill-prepared to deal with emotional problems in the children. The classroom themselves are often too large, there are too few teaching assistants and volunteers to help out, and the instructional materials are often outdated and boring in comparison to the modern technologies that appeal to children.13:27 0 Comments
By diagnosing and drugging our children, we shift blame for the problem from our social institutions and ourselves as adults to the relatively powerless children in our care. We harm our children by failing to identify and to meet their real educational needs for better prepared teachers, more teacher- and child-friendly classrooms, more inspiring curriculum, and more engaging classroom technologies.
At the same time, when we diagnosis and drug our children, we avoid facing critical issues about educational reform. In effect, we drug the children who are signaling the need for reform, and force all children into conformity with our bureaucratic systems.
Finally, when we diagnose and drug our children, we disempower ourselves as adults. While we may gain momentary relief from guilt by imagining that the fault lies in the brains of our children, ultimately we undermine our ability to make the necessary adult interventions that our children need. We literally become bystanders in the lives of our children.
It is time to reclaim our children from this false and suppressive medical approach. I applaud those parents who have the courage to refuse to give stimulants to their children and who, instead, attempt to identify and to meet their genuine needs in the school, home, and community.
Parents throughout the country are being pressured and coerced by schools to give psychiatric drugs to their children
Teachers, school psychologists, and administrators commonly make dire threats about their inability to teach children without medicating them. They sometimes suggest that only medication can stave off a bleak future of delinquency and occupational failure. They even call child protective services to investigate parents for child neglect and they sometimes testify against parents in court. Often the schools recommend particular physicians who favor the use of stimulant drugs to control behavior. These stimulant drugs include methylphenidate (Ritalin, Concerta, and Metadate) or forms of amphetamine (Dexedrine and Adderall).13:24 0 Comments
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The Ten Stages are studied recovery.
The Ten Stages are studied recovery.They are a source of reconnection a method of unlearning and a reintroduction to our child within whi...

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