Most studies of cyberaddiction are deeply problematical
Most studies of cyberaddiction are deeply problematical because they 23:17 0 Comments
draw on small (sometimes ludicrously small) and often self-selected populations
have no independent oversight
involve serious uncertainties about questionnaire structure and data handling or about the interpretation of figures and answers
are not benchmarked against widely recognised independent research
fail to differentiate between time spent online at work and non-occupational use.
All these criteria can apply to people who watch a lot of television.
Psychologists and psychiatrists formally define substance dependence as a disorder characterized by criteria that include spending a great deal of time using the substance; using it more often than one intends; thinking about reducing use or making repeated unsuccessful efforts to reduce use; giving up important social, family or occupational activities to use it; and reporting withdrawal symptoms when one stops using it. All these criteria can apply to people who watch a lot of television.23:16 0 Comments
Warning on Television viewing in 1952 strikes a cord
no matter how good any given television show is, to look at that tube of lights and shadows almost invariably brings to mind such things as death, tuberculosis, cats howling on the back fence, incest, dishes in the sink, etc. 23:15 0 Comments
Such a reaction ... applies particularly to looking at television alone. A hair-in-the-mouth, screaming-nerves sensation comes from viewing television in solitude, an act of the same category as drinking in solitude or taking morphine while shut up in a closet, but much worse.
Furthermore ... to look at it for any length of time, even in the company of others, causes sexual impotence, shortens the life span, makes the hair and teeth fall out, and encourages early psychosis in otherwise normal people.
For some people Earth is where they really ought to spend their time. For others, perhaps the fantasy world is the only decent place available.
When people spend dozens of hours weekly at their computers, or on the internet, or playing video games, it is almost certain that some other activities will suffer. The question is, when does this behaviour warrant the label 'addiction'? Addiction is a strong word, calling for both renunciation on the part of the subject and forceful intervention by others ... a behaviour becomes problematic when, and only when, it degrades other important things in life. A 60-hour-a-week compulsive EverQuest user who fails to speak to his own children when they come home from school is engaging in problematic behaviour. But consider the same user, living alone, with all his friends being online and in the game - is his devotion of time to cyberspace problematic? In the end we can only judge whether presence in the virtual world is good or bad by reference to the ordinary daily life of the person making the choice to go there. For some people Earth is where they really ought to spend their time. For others, perhaps the fantasy world is the only decent place available.23:13 0 Comments
United States 244,661,900 Pornographic Web Pages
United States 244,661,900 10:57 0 Comments
Germany 10,030,200
United Kingdom 8,506,800
Australia 5,655,800
Japan 2,700,800
The Netherlands 1,883,800
Russia 1,080,600
Poland 1,049,600
Spain 852,800
US Pornography Titles Released
Year Titles 10:54 0 Comments
1988 1,300
1989 1,350
1990 1,340
1991 1,505
1992 2,200
1993 2,400
1994 3,200
1995 5,700
1996 8,000
1997 8,000
1998 9,200
1999 10,300
2000 11,500
2001 10,900
2002 11,700
2003 11,400
2004 12,000
2005 13,588
Diagnostics for Cyber Addiction
A demonstrated "loss of control" when trying to stop or limit the amount of time on the computer. (Breaking promises to self or others. Promising to quit or cut down and not being able to do so) 10:52 0 Comments
Being dishonest or minimizing the extent of the time you stay on the computer, or covering up or being dishonest about what activities you participate in when on the computer.
Negative consequences experienced by the computer user or his/her friends or family as a direct result of time or activities spent on the computer.
Participation in high risk or normally unacceptable behaviors when using the computer. Compromising your morals and values based on the opportunity to remain anonymous and protected on the computer. (a good test for this is to ask yourself if your spouse, partner or family would approve of what you were doing on the computer)
An overdeveloped sense of importance for the computer in ones life. Defending your right to use the computer as much as desired, regardless of the fact that people in your life are feeling left out and neglected. (denial of the problem and justification; not being able to hear or feel what the other people are saying regarding your computer behavior)
Mixed feelings of euphoria (a "rush"), combined with feelings of guilt brought on by either the inordinate amount of time spent on the computer or the abnormal behavior acted out while using the computer.
Feelings of depression or anxiety when something or someone shortens your time or interrupts your plans to use the computer.
Preoccupation with the computer and computer activities when you are not using the computer (thinking about the computer and its activities when doing something else; i.e. having a family dinner, working on project deadline etc.)
Finding yourself using the computer at times when you are feeling uncomfortable, irritated, or sad about something happening in your life. ( feeling uncomfortable in your relationship, so you will self medicate and "hide out" on the computer) Using time on the computer to become externally focused outside yourself as a way to avoid facing what is happening in your life, and avoiding feeling the appropriate feelings inside yourself. (self medicating)
Experiencing financial concerns or problems in your life as a result of money being spent on computer hardware, computer on-line charges, or any other costs associated with computers. (Spending money on computer related items which should have been allocated to other normal living expenses)
Cyber Anonymous
When someone finally realizes they have a problem, however, help is available. There are a number of web sites available for the treatment of Internet addiction. They include sites like Cyber Anonymous or ”CYANON“ There is even software available for addicts. One such package is Graham’s Mac Shareware. However, trying to cure on-line addiction by going on-line is probably not the best answer. Face to face counseling is probably the best method for dealing with this problem. The availability of this type of counseling is expanding rapidly. Over the past two years, two major clinics have also been established to treat this addiction.10:44 0 Comments
High use of pornography among Internet addicts
There's a very high use of pornography among Internet addicts. Sixty-two percent of Internet addicts are logging on to porn sites. However, forty-six percent of non-addicts are also logging on to those sites. But don't forget, two-thirds of the 18,000 people we surveyed were men, who tend to access porn sites more regularly. Clearly, an aspect of the addictive nature of the Internet cannot be separated from sexual interest and/or addiction, but I believe there are other aspects of the Internet separate from sexuality that are addictive in and of themselves.10:43 0 Comments
thumbnail sketch of online addiction
Essentially, if you're spending a lot of time online and it's really interfering with your life. That's the quick thumbnail sketch. If it’s causing difficulty in your life, interfering with work, home or Relationships, than you may have a problem. Questions such as: Are you spending an excessive amount of time online? Are you preoccupied with the Internet? Are you keeping it a secret from people? Do other people think you might have a problem? Do you experience intense intimacy while online? Can you not wait to go online or to use the computer? These can all be signs of addiction.10:41 0 Comments
Addictive patterns is identifying the problem Trading Addiction
The first step in dealing with any addictive pattern is identifying it--and identifying it as a problem. Here are a few questions that you might ask yourself: 10:34 0 Comments
Have there been times when I told myself to stop trading, but still found myself placing trades any way? ~ Do I find myself overtrading by putting on positions with too large size or by trading during periods when nothing is happening? ~ Have my trading losses created problems for me in my relationship(s), or have they caused financial problems for me? ~ Have people close to me told me that I need to stop trading? Is the pain from losing more extreme than the satisfaction from winning? ~ Do I find my moods fluctuating with my P/L? ~ Do I trade simply out of boredom sometimes? ~ Do I find myself preoccupied with trading outside of market hours at the cost of other work and relationships?
Notice that, for many of these questions, you could substitute the word "drinking" or "gambling" for "trading". The dynamics of addictions are the same across the board. If you answered yes to three or more of these questions, I would suggest that trading has become a problem for you.
How does one deal with addictive trading? The first step is to identify it, but the second--and harder--step is to acknowledge that you need help for it. It's pride that tells us we can handle it on our own through will power, but addictions wouldn't occur in the first place if will power were sufficient to prevent consequences.
Telling yourself you can manage your own addiction is itself a form of denial. That is why a key step in Alcoholics Anonymous is acknowledging that you are powerless against alcohol. That is why AA substitutes mutual support for drinking and advocates abstinence as a goal.
Through books, self-help groups, and counseling, you learn to identify the thought and behavior patterns that drive your addictive behaviors. You also learn to identify cravings in advance and channel these in productive directions.
Most of all, you regain a measure of control over your life and end the negative consequences of the addiction. If you find yourself unable to control your trading and you find the emotional, financial, and social consequences mounting, that's not a passion for trading. It's an addiction.
Let's look at the facts:
An addiction occurs when an activity provides a strong source of stimulation that, over time, leads to psychological and sometimes physical dependence. We generally label a behavior as an addiction when people seek out the activity even in the face of demonstrable negative consequences. It is the inability to stop the activity when those consequences interfere with life that marks any addiction. 10:33 0 Comments
Let's look at the facts:
According to research cited by the National Council on Problem Gambling, 2 million adults (1% of the population) meet the diagnostic criteria for pathological gambling. Another 4-8 million adults (2-4% of the population) can be considered problem gamblers who are experiencing direct problems as a consequence of gambling.
Research in psychology and psychiatry reported in the Oxford Textbook of Psychopathology finds that between 14 and 16 million Americans meet diagnostic criteria for alcohol abuse or dependence. Between 4-6 million Americans are dependent upon illegal drugs.
Rates of substance abuse among men ages 18-44 are double those of the general population.
A family history of addictive problems is one of the best predictors of risk for addiction. Peer influence is another significant risk factor.
According to a research review in the Oxford Textbook, rates of depression are significantly higher among people with addictions than in the general population, with indications that people are using the addictive activities to medicate themselves for the pain of depression.
Addictions are also most common among individuals with attention deficits and hyperactivity problems and appear to be related to sensation-seeking among those needing stimulation.
Online affairs
Online affairs account for a growing number of divorce cases and it is the most frequently treated problem at the Center for Online Addiction. Partners engaged in an online affair go through several personality changes and often rationalize that an online affair isn’t really cheating. They believe it is a harmless flirtation because it doesn’t involve any “physical touching”. However, the emotional pain and devastation to a once warm and loving relationship is just the same.11:22 0 Comments
Cybersex/Pornography Addiction
Cybersex/Pornography Addiction is a specific sub-type of Internet addiction. Estimates suggest that 1 in 5 Internet addicts are engaged in some form of online sexual activity (primarily viewing cyberporn and/or engaging in cybersex). Studies show that men are more likely to view cyberporn, while women are more likely to engage in erotic chat. People who suffer from low self-esteem, a distorted body image, untreated sexual dysfunction, or a prior sexual addiction are more at risk to develop cybersex/cyberporn addictions. In particular, sex addicts often turn to the Internet as a new and safe sexual outlet to fulfill their underlying compulsive habit.11:20 0 Comments
US shows signs of net addiction
14% of respondents said they cannot stay away from the internet 11:19 0 Comments
More than one in eight adults in the US show signs of being addicted to the internet, a study has shown.
"Addicts" showed signs of compulsive internet use, habitually checking e-mail, websites and chat rooms.
More than 8% of the 2,513 respondents to the Stanford University phone survey said they hid their use from partners.
A typical addict is a single, white college-educated male in his 30s, who spends more than 30 hours a week on "non-essential" computer use, it found.
"We often focus on how wonderful the internet is; how simple and efficient it can make things," said Dr Elias Aboujaoude of the Stanford University School of Medicine and one of the researchers behind the study.
"But we need to consider the fact that it creates real problems for a subset of people."
For obese people overeating is akin to drug addiction, research suggests. 11:17 0 Comments
Scans on seven overweight people revealed the regions of the brain that controlled satiety were the same as those in drug addicts craving drugs.
The US team who carried out the research said the findings could potentially help to uncover new treatments for obesity.
The work, led by a New York scientist, is published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Sunbathing may be a physical addiction, research in the United States suggests. 11:16 0 Comments
Scientists believe exposure to ultraviolet rays may stimulate the release of chemicals in the blood which produce a natural high.
The team from Wake Forest University in North Carolina say this may explain why some people are prepared to ignore the cancer risk of too much sun.
The research is published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.
The study warns that the explosive growth of the internet will lead to more on-line betting opportunities
Internet gamblers may be more likely to have a serious gambling problem than other gamblers, say researchers. 09:07 0 Comments
It is thought that the web may attract people who are trying to hide their gambling addiction.
The availability of internet gambling may draw individuals who seek out isolated and anonymous contexts for their gambling behaviours
The study warns that the explosive growth of the internet will lead to more on-line betting opportunities - and thus increase the risk of more people suffering from the health and emotional difficulties associated with compulsive gambling.
I lost £30,000 gambling online, it’s not like it feels like real money! Right?
My story begins around the summer of 2003. I saw an advert in a men's magazine for online poker, sounded like fun! 09:06 0 Comments
To my detriment I had a wireless network in my house newly setup which meant that I could install this “poker” and play in the living room while still speaking to my partner who was watching the TV.
It took a couple of minutes to load/install the program and I was off…buzzing.
Imagine being in a “live” poker game while sitting in my living room! Cool.
After 20 minutes I won $137 with a full house, and well if you are reading this then I guess that sound small, but when you started gambling – that was a monster! Remember? No? Hmm I know, what would $137 accomplish now? Nothing.
No lecture here then, my problem, online poker.
My losses, hard to pinpoint but it would be safe to assume it is around £30,000/$55,000 which is enough to shame most people into thinking dark thoughts.
Yes, I lost £30,000 gambling online, it’s not like it feels like real money! Right?
I lost £30,000 gambling online, it’s not like it feels like real money! Right?
My story begins around the summer of 2003. I saw an advert in a men's magazine for online poker, sounded like fun! 09:06 0 Comments
To my detriment I had a wireless network in my house newly setup which meant that I could install this “poker” and play in the living room while still speaking to my partner who was watching the TV.
It took a couple of minutes to load/install the program and I was off…buzzing.
Imagine being in a “live” poker game while sitting in my living room! Cool.
After 20 minutes I won $137 with a full house, and well if you are reading this then I guess that sound small, but when you started gambling – that was a monster! Remember? No? Hmm I know, what would $137 accomplish now? Nothing.
No lecture here then, my problem, online poker.
My losses, hard to pinpoint but it would be safe to assume it is around £30,000/$55,000 which is enough to shame most people into thinking dark thoughts.
Yes, I lost £30,000 gambling online, it’s not like it feels like real money! Right?
Online Gambling is becoming an increasingly popular form of gambling, and there are now an estimated 1,700 gambling websites on the Internet. As well as the Internet, you can now gamble through interactive television and a mobile phone.09:03 0 Comments
The convenience of gambling at home, the ease of setting up an gambling account and the variety of forms of gambling - from traditional betting, to casino gambling, bingo and lotteries - makes online gambling very appealing.
However, whilst many people gamble online without any problems GamCare has started to see an increase in the amount of people contacting our helpline and counselling services who are losing control of their gambling online.
There are some factors of online gambling that could certainly increase the risk of developing a gambling problem. These are:
>The ability to gamble 24 hours a day in your own home
>The increased risk of exposure and access by children
>The absorption of computers, leading people to lose track of time whilst gambling
>The decrease in the perception of the value of cash - i.e. players are forgetting that they are spending money
potential markers of problematic Internet use are present in a sizeable portion of the population
"Our telephone survey suggests that potential markers of problematic Internet use are present in a sizeable portion of the population," the researchers noted in their paper, which appears in the October issue of CNS Spectrums: The International Journal of Neuropsychiatric Medicine. "We often focus on how wonderful the Internet is - how simple and efficient it can make things," elaborated lead author Elias Aboujaoude, MD. "But we need to consider the fact that it creates real problems for a subset of people."16:43 0 Comments
bet on the outcome of the Oscars or who will win on Survivor
People can go online and bet about whether Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie will get married or if Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes’s marriage will last. They can bet on the outcome of the Oscars or who will win on Survivor. These are the new kind of bets that are done by people who might not normally visit a gambling site.16:40 0 Comments
Internet gamblers were more likely to suffer from health and emotional problems
Internet gamblers were more likely to have a serious gambling than other gamblers. Furthermore, Internet gamblers were more likely to suffer from health and emotional problems such as substance abuse, circulatory disease, depression, and risky sexual behaviors.16:39 0 Comments
one million young people currently are using Internet gambling sites on a monthly basis
the University of Pennsylvania show that more than one million young people currently are using Internet gambling sites on a monthly basis. Among males 18 to 22, Internet gambling doubled in the past year.16:38 0 Comments
video game overuse an addiction
In today's headlines, the American Medical Association is considering video game overuse an addiction. While they say a final diagnostic classification for the behavior is a ways off, studies have been conducted and clinical evidence is mounting to support the validity of this new syndrome.16:36 0 Comments
addicted to chat rooms
Many people who are addicted to chat rooms use them for sexual gratification. lThis can lead to cybersexual affairs. lWarning signs include: ¡You give personal details in chat rooms. ¡You become defensive when the subject is discussed. ¡You fantasize about chat rooms. ¡You do not get an appropriate amount of sleep because of the time spent in chat rooms.00:32 0 Comments
An estimated 5-10% of the population suffer from internet addiction
An estimated 5-10% of the population suffer from internet addiction lThe most common form of internet addictions are cybersex and cyberporn addiction. l30% use the internet to escape negative feelings. lChat rooms are believed to be the most addicting form of online communication. lThe rate of internet addiction increases the longer someone has been exposed to the internet. lThe largest group of internet addicts is composed of students and retirees.00:31 0 Comments
Types of On-Line disfunction
Cyberporn Addiction lOnline Auction Addiction lObsessive Role Play Gaming lCompulsive Online Gambling lChat Room Addiction lCompulsive Surfing lCybersexual Addiction lCybersexual Affairs00:30 0 Comments
Compulsive surfing
Compulsive surfing often accompanies other internet addictions. lPeople who suffer from compulsive surfing often exhibit other obsessive compulsive tendencies. lCompulsive surfing often starts as a way to escape problems. lWarning signs include: ¡Gathering and sorting information irrelevant information ¡Any other form of internet addiction is present ¡Fantasizes about next opportunity to surf the internet ¡00:28 0 Comments
eBay addiction
eBay addiction is a new and increasingly worrisome category under the umbrella diagnosis of Internet Addiction. Due to the popularity of online auctions such as eBay, a growing number of individuals are showing signs of addition related these sites in the past decade.00:27 0 Comments
For the addict, winning the bid represents an emotional rush or high. It isn’t the item but the experience of winning that keeps them bidding. Online auction houses create a stimulating place where users can conquer others as the highest bidder, which can be intoxicating as one beats out others in the last precious seconds to win the desired prize.
In moderate cases, eBay addicts will wake up at strange hours just to be there for the last remaining minutes of an online auction. “It was 5 am and I couldn’t log on,” explains one eBay addict. “I had a complete breakdown, I started crying, and my husband didn’t know what to do with me. That’s when I realized I had a real problem.”
In more serious cases, eBay addicts feel a sense of accomplishment when they discover they are the highest bidder and begin to bid on items they don’t need just to experience the rush of winning – sometimes to the point that they go into financial debt, take out a second mortgage, or even go into bankruptcy just to afford their online purchases. One client stole funds from her husband’s 401K until he discovered her addiction. “He shut down my account and threatened to divorce me,” she explained. “I was about to lose my marriage all because I couldn’t stop myself from using eBay.”
Cybersex/Pornography Addiction
Cybersex/Pornography Addiction is a specific sub-type of Internet addiction. Estimates suggest that 1 in 5 Internet addicts are engaged in some form of online sexual activity (primarily viewing cyberporn and/or engaging in cybersex). Studies show that men are more likely to view cyberporn, while women are more likely to engage in erotic chat. People who suffer from low self-esteem, a distorted body image, untreated sexual dysfunction, or a prior sexual addiction are more at risk to develop cybersex/cyberporn addictions. In particular, sex addicts often turn to the Internet as a new and safe sexual outlet to fulfill their underlying compulsive habit.00:25 0 Comments
Sample from The Man in the Glass
"The road is long, with many a winding turn........."16:07 0 Comments
Never have truer words been spoken - especially when it comes to substance addiction recovery.
When we first decide to crawl out of the darkness and take our tentative steps in the light of sobriety, it's an amazing experience. We begin to feel stronger and our reasoning abilities become a lot clearer.
......then the emotional crash, the "honeymoon" period is over.
Perhaps you have experienced this and know what I mean. The "high" of making the decision to clean up and detoxing has gone. You are now back in the community and facing it on it's terms, learning to cope.
You may be alone, isolated in your pain that "normal" people can never understand. You grieve for your lost "friend", even though that friend was actually your worst enemy. You become irritable, uninterested, depressed -perhaps even suicidal. This can lead to a "bust", a bust you may never recover from -remember, that if we are addicted we cannot control our substance intake. The "just one more time" may seal your fate. And as we all know, there are worse things in life than death -the insanity of addiction. You may not be lucky enough to die the next time.
Sample of the WOW survey
Indicate to what extent you agree with each of the following items CONCERNING WORLD OF WARCRAFT (WoW). 16:03 0 Comments
Not agree at all Very slightly agree Slightly agree Moderately agree Mostly agree Strongly agree Very strongly agree
1. Playing WoW is in harmony with other activities in my life.
2. I have difficulties controlling my urge to play WoW.
3. The new things that I discover in WoW allow me to appreciate it even more.
4. I have almost an obsessive feeling for WoW.
5. WoW reflects the qualities I like about myself.
6. WoW allows me to live a variety of experiences.
7. WoW is the only thing that really turns me on.
8. WoW is well integrated in my life.
9. If I could, I would only play to WoW.
10. WoW is in harmony with other things that are part of me.
11. WoW is so exciting that I sometimes lose control over it.
12. I have the impression that WoW controls me.
13. I spend a lot of time playing WoW.
14. I like playing WoW.
15. Playing WoW is important for me.
16. Playing WoW is a passion for me.
17. Playing WoW is part of who I am.
ONline Survey
1. Indicate to what extent you agree with each of the following items CONCERNING WORLD OF WARCRAFT (WoW). 16:01 0 Comments
Not agree at all Very slightly agree Slightly agree Moderately agree Mostly agree Strongly agree Very strongly agree
1. Playing WoW is in harmony with other activities in my life.
2. I have difficulties controlling my urge to play WoW.
3. The new things that I discover in WoW allow me to appreciate it even more.
4. I have almost an obsessive feeling for WoW.
5. WoW reflects the qualities I like about myself.
6. WoW allows me to live a variety of experiences.
7. WoW is the only thing that really turns me on.
8. WoW is well integrated in my life.
9. If I could, I would only play to WoW.
10. WoW is in harmony with other things that are part of me.
11. WoW is so exciting that I sometimes lose control over it.
12. I have the impression that WoW controls me.
13. I spend a lot of time playing WoW.
14. I like playing WoW.
15. Playing WoW is important for me.
16. Playing WoW is a passion for me.
17. Playing WoW is part of who I am.
40 percent of World of Warcraft’s players are addicted to the game.
"Researchers say there's little difference between drug use, excessive gambling and heavy game playing. In fact, Orzack says that as much as 40 percent of World of Warcraft’s players are addicted to the game."15:56 0 Comments
the number of online gamblers in the UK increases steadily11:27 0 Comments
An internet gambling addict has been jailed for stealing £1m from his employers to fund his habit.
An internet gambling addict has been jailed for stealing £1m from his employers to fund his habit.11:26 0 Comments
paradise for online gamers
South Korea is one of the most wired societies in the world. 11:22 0 Comments
More than half the population has access to the internet, and there are more than 25,000 cyber cafes - known here as PC Bangs - which are open 24 hours a day across the country.
The country is a global leader when it comes to number of people who can access broadband, or high speed internet services, with the number of broadband subscribers exceeding 10 million.
It is a paradise for online gamers, who come from all over the world to play in South Korea.
Kim Kyung-jae died after playing non-stop for 86 hours
The government haSouth Korea. s been behind efforts to promote South Korea as an IT and cyber leader. But the more negative impacts of over-reliance on the web have only been recently acknowledged and are starting to be addressed.
An extreme case of internet obsession hit the news headlines last month when 24-year-old Kim Kyung-jae collapsed and died after playing computer games at an internet cafe in the south-western city of Kwangju.
UK Drug Policy Commission said more addicts were being treated.
The UK has an unusually severe drugs problem and the government's strategy has had a very limited impact on drug use, a new watchdog body has been told. 11:20 0 Comments
The report for the independent UK Drug Policy Commission said more addicts were being treated.
But it added that the benefits were limited, and there was little evidence education schemes had had an impact.
The Home Office insisted the strategy was working - with a 16% decline in drug use since 1998.
Nigerian women held in UK jails
The number of Nigerian women held in UK jails on drugs offences has risen six-fold in three years.11:16 0 Comments
Nigerian gangs are taking over heroin smuggling
Illegal drug cultivation, trafficking and abuse are on the rise in Africa, says the United Nations. How seriously should we be taking this problem? 11:13 0 Comments
Worldwide, it seems that Nigerian gangs are taking over heroin smuggling. Ghanaian MP Eric Amoateng is awaiting trial in New York for allegedly smuggling over $6m worth of heroin into the United States.
In Zanzibar 8% of young people are heroin addicts, and in South Africa one-third of teenagers experiment with drugs.
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